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The 3D Times Square advertising screen is a popular attraction that draws in countless tourists who come to take photos, check in, and share their experiences on social media. The dense LED screens on the tall buildings surrounding Times Square have become a defining characteristic of this iconic location. In this blog, we'll explore the intriguing world of the 3D Times Square display, which is considered the most iconic outdoor advertising spot globally.


Advertising value of 3D billboards in Times Square


The blend of striking LED billboards, dazzling lights, and bustling crowds’ positions Times Square as the ultimate hub for outdoor advertising.


For international brands, this presents a golden opportunity to secure prominent screens in this iconic location, allowing them to showcase their ideas and messages effectively.


As the epicenter of the outdoor advertising realm and the realm of digital billboards, New York's Times Square has captivated the interest of countless advertisers due to its massive screens, prime positioning, and bustling, teeming crowds.


3D LED Times Square with SMEC Group


(1) Large Outdoor-LED


Experience a vibrant outdoor spectacle of countless LED screens and a dazzling array of neon advertisements, all designed to showcase your brand in stunning, high-definition full color.


Times Square boasts over 300 colossal billboards, offering a multitude of dynamic advertising platforms to ensure your brand message shines brilliantly from every angle.


(2) Exceptional Locale


Times Square, a remarkable triangular expanse where Broadway Street meets Seventh Avenue, pulsates at the very core of New York City. Nestled amidst prominent subway and bus stations, it serves as an epicenter of activity.


Today, it stands as a vibrant hub for tourists and the esteemed headquarters of numerous corporate giants. This petite yet powerful locale is the dynamic epicenter responsible for catalyzing a substantial 11% of New York City's economic vitality.


(3) Bustling Atmosphere


To enhance the reach of your advertisements, it is crucial to carefully select the ad-serving locations. High-traffic areas naturally take precedence in this regard.


Based on official statistics, this location witnesses an average daily footfall of 300,000 pedestrians (increasing to 460,000 during peak seasons). Simultaneously, approximately 115,000 individuals commute by car or bus.


Remarkably, the LED screen at Times Square garners an impressive 1.5 million impressions each day.


(4) The viral spread of the Internet


Beyond their offline advertising impact, 3D billboards in Times Square can also generate significant online advantages.



An impressive 60% of those surveyed reported spending over 5 minutes engaged with the captivating LED advertising screens in Times Square. Additionally, nearly half of pedestrians couldn't resist capturing photos or videos of these awe-inspiring 3D billboards. The buzz surrounding these billboards in Times Square has transcended the physical realm, amassing over a million tweets and comments across various social networks.



Màn hình Led Times Square


1.     How does the 3D billboard in Times Square works?


Naked-eye 3D billboards offer viewers an incredibly lifelike 3D experience without the need for specialized 3D glasses.


By leveraging fundamental visual principles, the audience positions themselves strategically to unlock an exclusive naked-eye 3D visual marvel.


These three-dimensional visuals and the perception of depth deliver an immersive 3D encounter that surpasses the capabilities of traditional 2D screens. This is a significant factor contributing to the global phenomenon of 3D billboards.


Curious about how the Times Square 3D billboard operates? It hinges on the following three key aspects.


(1) 3D video production


Creating a compelling 3D video for a brand requires a structured approach. It commences with the use of specialized software to craft a 3D-enhanced video source that aligns with the brand's message. This encompasses various stages, including understanding the scene's context, 3D modeling, animation, rendering, and compositing to achieve the desired 3D effect.


Simultaneously, several external factors come into play. These factors, such as screen resolution, viewing angles, distance, and location, are critical to ensuring optimal visibility of the 3D effects without the need for special equipment.


In summary, producing a 3D video combines technical processes with thoughtful consideration of external variables to create an engaging and impactful brand message that resonates with the audience.


(2) Image processing technology


Observing a Times Square 3D display involves binocular disparity, where each eye sees slightly different images. The brain merges these images using processes like stereopsis and depth perception to create a 3D image viewable without special equipment.


Key to this process is the visual barrier concept, separating each eye's field of vision. Stereopsis, powered by the brain's binocular disparity computations, plays a central role in crafting the perception of depth. Additionally, depth perception mechanisms help gauge relative object distances.


In summary, a Times Square 3D display showcases complex neural processes and essential visual principles to deliver an immersive 3D experience for the unaided eye.


3D in head


(3) Synthetic Effect


When the audience looks at the 3D billboard in a time square, the brain synthesizes the images the eyes see in the visual system.


In this way, the audience will perceive the content on the 3D LED screen as spatial and three-dimensional, just like a real scene.


3. Famous billboards in Times Square


(1) Times Square’s Building 1


The combined surface area of the four massive LED screens at New York's Times Square 1 Building exceeds a whopping 13,000 square feet.


This iconic advertising tower has earned the reputation of being the world's most photogenic landmark.


Times Square is a hub for numerous celebrations, including the annual New Year's Eve Festival and the iconic New Year's Eve Ball Drop.


Each of these screens offers an exceptional field of view, and their advertising spaces can be easily adjusted and subdivided. With an area of 1,200 square meters, a daily foot and vehicle traffic of 500,000, and a weekly visibility reaching 50 million, these screens offer unparalleled exposure opportunities.



(2) Marriott Hotel’s 3D billboard


Marriott Hotel Large 3D Billboard


Situated in the heart of Times Square, the Marriott hotel features an impressive L-shaped LED screen on its exterior wall, creating a prime location for showcasing 3D advertisements with unparalleled realism.


Spanning an expansive 1600 square meters, the display achieves seamless visuals through the use of specially designed curved corner screens, ensuring a cohesive viewing experience.


With a remarkable 25 million pixels, Marriott Hotels' 3D LED billboards offer high reliability and stunning display effects, making them a premier choice for global brands seeking iconic visual displays in Times Square.



(3) NASDAQ'S LED billboard


Nasdaq LED Display Screen


The Nasdaq LED display boasts impressive dimensions, standing at 25 meters in height and 37 meters in width. With a substantial surface area of 925 square meters, it ranks among the most commanding outdoor LED displays in Times Square.


As the world's largest stock exchange, Nasdaq proudly holds the distinction of featuring the world's inaugural LED display of its kind.


Positioned on the seventh floor, this imposing display captivates the interest of both passing vehicles and pedestrians, making it an unmissable landmark in the bustling heart of Times Square.



(4) Reuter's LED billboard


Reuter's Advertising LED Screen


The Reuters advertising screen is strategically positioned opposite the Nasdaq LED Display, creating a prominent location for brand exposure.


Within the advertising building, you'll find 11 high-resolution LED screens, each featuring distinctive dimensions that have garnered significant attention.


Reuter's advertising LED screens offer a versatile array of advertising methods to cater to diverse customer needs. Tailoring advertising content to match each screen's size allows for simultaneous playback across multiple screens, resulting in a more impactful and visually striking presentation.



(5) American Eagle digital billboard


American Eagled Digital Billboard


The American Eagle digital billboard has 12 LED screens, totaling 1393,54m2


As one of the most famous advertising screens in New York Times Square, this iconic building leases advertising space to many brands around the world.



(6) ABC Super Sign


ABC Super Sign


The ABC Super Sign boasts a distinctive LED light strip with a captivating, undulating pattern. This colossal curved-screen has gained fame for its daily appearances on ABC's "Good Morning America."


What truly sets it apart are its cutting-edge interactive features, distinguishing it from other displays. Audiences have the unique ability to engage with on-screen content using methods such as text, SMS, Twitter, Flickr, and customized apps.



(7) Digital Godzilla on Plaza Walk


Digital Godzilla Large Screen Billboard SMEC


Spanning approximately 15,000 square feet, the Digital Godzilla mega-screen commands attention as it stretches across the entire Plaza Walk, offering a captivating view of New York City's renowned Times Square.


This sizable angled screen extends from 45th Street to 46th Street, making it an imposing presence within the vicinity.


Positioned at this distinctive corner location, this colossal Times Square outdoor 3D billboard has garnered widespread praise online for its ability to showcase surreal and mesmerizing imagery.


7 Pinnacle of 3D Billboard Advertising:


(1) Coca-Cola Times Square 3D Billboard - World's First 3D Robot Billboard


The 3D Coca-Cola billboard at Times Square made its grand debut in 2017, earning titles such as the "largest 3D mechanical billboard" and the "pioneer of 3D mechanical billboards."


Comprising 1,760 movable LED cubes, this towering six-story digital marvel stands as a testament to innovation. Each high-resolution LED block is meticulously programmed to independently expand and contract, creating captivating visual displays.


Coca-Cola's 3D robot billboard delivers an awe-inspiring spectacle, promoting the brand with striking imagery and crafting a multisensory experience for all who behold it.






(2)  New York’s Resident Evil billboard


New York 3D Billboard Resident Evil


Apart from enhancing corporate branding and product promotion, 3D advertising collaborates with renowned IPs to create viral internet videos.


In anticipation of the upcoming Resident Evil installment, Netflix has unveiled a captivating docuseries right in the heart of Times Square. The series features a mutant character dramatically breaking through a glass barrier to escape confinement. It thrillingly climbs atop a street corner's glass structure, playfully extending its long tongue toward onlookers, before making a frantic getaway.



(3) SAMSUNG Outdoor Tiger



In 2022, under the theme "Tiger in the City," Samsung Group unveiled a colossal 3D tiger that came to life in five cities worldwide, including Times Square, where its 3D tiger billboard was showcased.


The gigantic tiger animatedly interacted with the Galaxy logo, playfully pawing at it, emitting a growl, and even attempting to leap out of the screen.


Accompanied by the phrase "Ready to break the rules?" it leaped over the digital barriers, as if seeking to engage directly with the audience.


As described in Samsung's report, this 3D tiger transcended digital confines, symbolizing the company's commitment to breaking conventions and ushering in new user experiences with their upcoming smartphone line.



(4) Times Square’s BMW XM 3D billboard



In an impressive display on a massive 3D billboard positioned above the Edition Hotel, BMW's XM model is showcased in a thrilling scene where it appears to glide down a hill, almost defying gravity as it teeters on the edge of the billboard.


BMW's strategy involves merging their product with immersive 3D visuals to orchestrate compelling marketing events that captivate their desired customer base.


The remarkable graphics and dynamic presentation of this advertisement have garnered it over 1.3 million views on their YouTube channel, solidifying its impact and appeal.



(5) HBO’s House of Dragon 3D billboard in Times Square (HBO)



HBO brought one of the show's fiercest dragons, Caraxes, to the streets of New York with the help of a big screen in Times Square.


A cave dragon spews fire from the screen, seemingly flying off the screen in the next second. The ad gives people a close-up look at the fire-breathing dragon.


The shocking naked-eye 3D visual experience attracts people to stop and watch.


Since its launch, the HBO Times Square 3D Billboard has garnered more than one million views on YouTube and TikTok.



(6) Diablo IV in Times Square



The game character Lilith from Diablo IV makes a striking appearance on a massive screen adorning the streets of New York.


Utilizing cutting-edge creative design methods, 3D billboards empower advertisers to deliver immersive encounters to those who pass by.


Blizzard Entertainment's extraordinary Diablo IV AD serves as a captivating introduction to the sinister, atmospheric realm of Diablo 4 for gaming enthusiasts.


The 3D LED display in Times Square has yielded impressive marketing results, owing to its exceptional visual experience.



(7) Balenciaga x Fortnite immersive 3D display in Times Square



In the bustling streets of New York, Doggo, a character from the popular game "Fortnite," made a striking appearance donning a hoodie, pants, and stylish Balenciaga sunglasses on a massive street-side screen.


An exciting partnership has emerged between the renowned Spanish luxury fashion brand, Balenciaga, and the online gaming phenomenon, Fortnite, leading to the creation of an engaging 3D outdoor campaign.


These billboard scenes, expertly crafted using the Unreal Engine, boast a heightened level of realism. As the day transitions and light conditions change, pedestrians are treated to a dynamic showcase of Doggo in various states, adding to the campaign's immersive allure.


5. Frequently asked questions about the Time Square 3D displays


(1) Are there 3D billboards in Times Square?


Various LED billboards can be seen everywhere on the streets of Times Square.


On some street corners and prominent building exterior walls, 3D billboards provide advertisers with abundant advertising space.


(2) Where is the 3D screen in New York?


To get the best 3D effect with the naked eye, 3D screens are often placed on street corners with heavy traffic.


When people stand at the intersection of the 90-degree angles of the curved screen, the best display effect will be achieved.


If you want to get the geolocation of a specific screen, you can check the second part above.


(3) How does the 3D billboard in Times Square work?


The operating principle of 3D LED display can be simply summarized as “2D screen + 3D video source + visual barrier principle”.


The 3D video source is adapted to the screen with content and parallax ideas.


When viewers watch from any external device, the left and right eyes have a visual difference, thereby forming a 3D display effect with the naked eye.


If you want to fully understand the knowledge of 3D LED display, please read the following articles:


3D Billboards 2023: It's All Here in Products, Prices and Technology!


3D LED display solution.


(4) How much does a 3D billboard cost?


The cost of a 3D billboard averages from 1,200 to 15,000 USD per month. Compared with traditional display screens, it costs more and brings better advertising benefits.


The cost of the display, control system, 3D video (duration, complexity, production cycle) and other factors will affect the investment cost of a 3D LED display.


 6. Conclusion


Time Square's 3D outdoor billboards provide a widespread advertising platform to promote brands and companies. Many successful 3D advertising cases demonstrate the marketing potential of 3D LED displays.


In Vietnam, we provide leading technology solutions in the field of 2D and 3D LED/QLED screens serving the media, civil and advertising industries in general, sizes according to customer requirements.





Popular types of outdoor LED screens today can come from P5, P6,... P10 LED screens. Each LED module will have a different price, usually ranging from 8,000,000 VND - 16,000,000 VND/m2.


Outdoor 3D LED screen line













Comparing the quality of outdoor 3D LED advertising screens, there are types from P1, P2, P2.5, P3,... The smaller P10, Px, the higher the technology and image quality. The outdoor lines are water and dust resistant.


At SMEC, we can provides you with:


• Provide full genuine import documents.


• 24 month warranty.


• Fix errors quickly.


• Deliver goods correctly to meet requirements.


• Ensure LED screen installation progress.


• Consulting is still completely FREE.


SMEC provides a variety of 3D digital billboard products and solutions that are visible to the naked eye. To get a detailed quote, don't hesitate to contact us!


Connect with us today!


Contact Hotline now: (+84)28 220 330 55!















SMEC always places creativity at the forefront. SMEC's team of experts continuously seeks creative electronic advertising solutions that are breakthrough and help customers stand out in a competitive environment.



SMEC is committed to delivering professional services and dedicated advice. SMEC's staff always strive to meet every requirement and desire of customers.



SMEC considers quality a top priority. From selecting equipment, software to the deployment and maintenance process, SMEC always ensures its products and services meet the highest standards.